
Bridge Builders

A Series On Unity

Breaking Barriers

June 26, 2022 • Ephesians 2:14–16

The new testament is rich with conflict between the Jews and the Gentiles. It is not until Christ’s death and resurrection that there is a way for the two groups to come together. Jesus is the reason that there can be peace, and He is the reason divided groups can unite.

Reach Out

June 12, 2022 • Bob North, Lead Pastor • Luke 10:25–37

The story of the good Samaritan is as inspiring as it is tragic. The two individuals who pass by the man who is in need are religious folks who should have been willing to help. The only person to reach out their hand was a person who would have been unexpected because he was a Samaritan. Samaritans and Jews were divided in every way, but the hero in this story is someone who breaks barriers to show compassion.

One of the Most Offensive Words

June 5, 2022 • Bob North, Lead Pastor • Colossians 3:13–14

One of the most offensive words in the English language is actually the word forgive. Bridge builders are people who are well acquainted with forgiveness because they are well aware of the forgiveness that God has offered them in Christ.