
Leaning On Grace

Part 5

March 6, 2016 • Lee McKinney

Leaning on Grace! Ruth Ch. 2:1-13

The Road to Redemption!  
Last week. Ruth 1:19-21
IS THIS NAOMI? The WASH POT had changed Pleasant to Bitter 
Romans 12:2 Conformed - “schematizo” shaped or formed into a mold or pattern                         
Naomi left Full She came back Empty!
Ephesians 1:3    
Ruth 2:1-3 WORK ETHIC!!
Nehemiah 4:6     

We must Learn to Live by Faith.. take a RISK!                                    
God’s Word had made provision for the Poor!  
Leviticus 19:9-10 God’s compassion made provision for the Poor and the Alien!
2 Cor 8:7-15 God never judges prosperity; only GREED!
Isaiah 58 God says TRUE Worship is to feed, clothe and house the poor!
Deuteronomy 10:18   
Ruth and Naomi were willing to step out in faith; because God is Faithful!
2 Timothy 2:13 
James 2:20   
We Must Learn to Lean on Grace
Ruth 2:3-4 Do you think it was a coincidence she ended up in Boaz’s field??
Blessed = 3 nuances: Prosperity-Fertility-Victory 
Blessing brings the power for life, the enhancement of life and the increase of life!
Boaz is the tool for God’s Grace and blessing 
God loves those who present themselves available!!!
Ruth 2:5-13 
Grace is Unmerited favor!          
Ruth 2:8-9 Boaz takes the initiative!
God’s grace is His plan not ours!  
Hebrews 11:6

Ruth 2:13 She was grateful for kindness!!
We must be a people of Grace!
We must be a people who live by Faith!