
True Tolerance VS New Tolerance

Part 2

October 25, 2015 • Lee McKinney

True Tolerance vs. New Tolerance

John 18:37-38

What is Truth?

Truth= agreement with fact or reality.

Relativism= individuals create for themselves moral and truth claims

Truth cannot be self evident; Truth Must be revealed!

TOLERANCE= sympathy for or acceptance for feelings or habits that are not one’s own.

In short to Tolerate means we can allow, permit, or recognize and respect other’s beliefs and customs without sharing them!

1 Peter 3:15

New Tolerance= sympathy for and full acceptance for the feelings and habits of everyone

A couple of major logical problems arise with this New Tolerance.

1st. New Tolerance eliminates Healthy Discourse!

2nd. New Tolerance is always self-defeating.

If “all” ideas, beliefs or actions are right, then is anything ever wrong?

Everyone I Cor. 5:1-8.

Romans 1: 28-32

V. 32 New Style Tolerance is giving Hearty Approval

How is a True believer to treat the subject of tolerance??

I Cor. 5:5

I Peter 3:15-17

Eph. 4: 14-15

Jesus is called friend of the sinner. God tolerates our sin with the sincere desire for us to repent, be reborn and grow in a relationship with Him for eternity.

II Peter 3:9

I Tim. 2:3-4 I

2 Corinthians 10:5

Acts 3:19