
Running on Empty

Part 2

January 31, 2016 • Lee McKinney

Running on Empty

The book of Ruth is a narrative!  Purposeful stories retelling the events of the past; meant to give guidance and direction to people living in the present.       
Why Study the Book of Ruth??   Story of Redemption
Redeem “gaal”= purchase one from slavery; to pay a price and bring under protection.  
Ruth 1:1   
3 ways to encounter Trials.  Endure it. Escape it. Enlist it…

Ruth 1:1-2
Bethlehem = house of Bread,  Judah = praise
Moab = Wash Pot,  Ephrethah = fruitful 
Elimelech = my God is King, Naomi = pleasant,
Mahlon= unhealthy,  Chilion= puny  
How often has that been our story?
Have you ever proclaimed that God was your King and then your life did not reflect? James 4:7-8   
Ruth 1:3-5                                                                                              
Numbers 32:23  
Naomi’s is now the center of attention. 
Ruth 1:4
A pleasant woman with 2 puny and sickly sons in a foreign and hostile land.
Why would Puny and Sickly get married?                         
How do we evaluate the marriages? 
Hebrews 4:12
Often we skirt the intent of God’s word to satisfy our desires! 
Has our faith become Pragmatic? 

Ruth 1:5  
Naomi has nothing left; she is at the end of herself!

When we reach the end of ourselves; God has room to work!