
God Has a Plan

Part 8

April 10, 2016 • Lee McKinney

God has a Plan! Ruth Chapter 3 and 4

The Road to Redemption!
Ruth took a Risk and was rewarded with Grace!!
Grace can Change our Lives! 
Redemption! To buy back or “to Loose”  
Kinsman Redeemer  Able, willing and empowered! 
Jesus Christ is our KINSMAN REDEEMER!
Ruth 3:1-5
The Threshing Floor!
Wash yourself!   We are Washed when we come to Salvation!
Anoint yourself! We receive the Anointing of the Holy Spirit!
Clothe Yourself! We are Clothed in Christ!
Lay at his feet! We must Claim Christ as our Redeemer! 
A beggar cannot spend what he has not asked for!

Final Sermon from Ruth  Ruth 3:9-18 
His love was irresistible!  
Luke 19:10  
Romans 8:35     Romans 8:37-39 
Wait!  No one likes to wait....
Ruth has NO ability to Redeem herself!
Ephesians 2:8-9 
Jesus was the Grace of God for all humanity;   Boaz was the grace of God for Ruth 
2 Corinthians 6:2  
1 John 2:2     

Ruth 4:1-2
Ruth 4:3-4
Ruth 4:5-8  
Deuteronomy 23:3
IF Boaz is a picture of Christ; Then this unnamed kinsman can be a picture of the Law Romans 3:20  
Ruth 4:6.. I cannot redeem!  This is the Law!
Galatians 3:23-29  
LOVE is the Difference between the unnamed kinsmen and Boaz.
Ruth 4:9-12                                                
Ruth 4: 13-22    

Obed= servant of the Lord…
Ruth 4:17-22  imperative to the genealogy of the bible..

Matthew 1:16-17 
God does things in order….  He has a plan!
Jeremiah 29:11
Do you Trust Him?   Will you Obey Him?  Are you willing to take a Risk of Faith for Him?