
Jacob & Esau

September 15, 2019 • Kal Busman

How do you struggle with sometimes elevating “little things” to more important than they deserve to be?
What causes ALL of us to drift towards the “little things”?
What are a couple of “little things” that tend to lure and trap you?

More from Little Things

What is that to you?

September 29, 2019 • Kal Busman

“What is that to you?” is a question that helps us get our bearings, figure out where we are, where are we going, and ask; are we headed in the direction we want to go. Will it be about the important, meaningful things. Or about the lesser “little things”?

Mary & Martha

September 22, 2019 • Kal Busman

? When does a good thing become a distracting thing? Jesus said it in this passage; “the ‘better’ thing will not be taken away.'' Good things become a distraction when we forget those things are temporary. They are important, good, necessary, until we think they’re the main things. When we forget they really are just “little things”. And when we begin to get “worried and upset” about these temporary things. ”Worried and upset” is a great test to see if we’re making “little things” not ‘better’ things.

Strain a Gnat

September 8, 2019 • Kal Busman

Get sucked into “little things”. Things we’ve made feel important but really aren’t. When we feel like we’re losing control of our lives, of the ability to have any kind of say of what’s happening to us, we collapse into this pattern, of getting bogged down in the minutia.