Hold fast to Jesus because of who He is and what He has accomplished for us!
Believing rightly necessarily impacts and leads to living rightly.
We endure hardships and suffering because Jesus is our better prize.
God is pleased and gives His life and endurance to those who have faith in Him.
Hold fast to Christ’s once-for-all sacrifice to make you right with God.
Jesus is a greater sacrifice because He’s a divine, willing, and final sacrifice.
The old covenant was meant to point and pass away for a new covenant to transform and save.
We have a better High Priest who gives us a better hope to draw near to God.
A faith that saves is a faith that continues to grow and mature.
We hold fast to Jesus because He sympathizes with us and gives us strength to endure.
God offers His ultimate rest for those who hold fast to their confession in Jesus.
Guard against unbelief by comparing everything to the supremacy of Jesus.
Don’t drift from Jesus who suffered and saved you from death and the Devil.
The Son is greater than all servants because He is the final word of God and fully divine.