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Preaching Cohort 2024

November 2021 Recap

November 15, 2021

This week we experienced the largest group of credential applicants in the history of NCAG. There were 32 candidates and out of that number, 11 are women, 12 are ethnic and 12 are under 40 years of age. Our celebration included worshipping together and vision casting. We thank God for these men and women who’ve answered the call and are connected to our NCAG family! Our Board of Trustees also had their final meeting of 2021. As we close out this year, we are grateful for the generous Plus1 giving from our ministers and churches. This giving allows us to continue with our focus of EMPOWERING MINISTERS and EQUIPPING CHURCHES. Plus1 allows us to offer assistance to new plants and resources to our churches who are currently in a season of revitalization. We spent time throughout our meetings to pray for our pastors and churches while looking ahead with great expectation and faith for 2022.