
Is belief in God the problem?

Who Needs CHRISTmas?: Part 1

December 2, 2018

Most atheists didn’t choose their outlook on life because atheism is more appealing than theism. Most atheists began their journey to their belief in “no god” because of a dissatisfaction with religion.

What is your basis for believing in God?

December 9, 2018 • Dan Kennedy

Should we really believe something because the Bible told us so? Before the writings of the Old and New Testaments were combined into what we call the Bible, conversations about Jesus centered on an event—not a book. What is the basis of our faith?

Which god don’t you believe in?

December 16, 2018

Tell me about the god you don’t believe in. Perhaps I don’t believe in that god either. All of us don’t believe in some gods. Therefore, all of us are atheists in some way. Maybe we need to discuss the unknown god and we’ll find ourselves connecting much better.

How do you know God?

December 23, 2018

Have you ever heard someone described why they stopped believing in God? Could you hear their failed expectations? Wouldn’t we do well to evaluate our expectations of God as much as we evaluate God’s failure to meet them? What should we expect?