

June 25, 2023 • Andrew Cullen • Mark 2:1–12

Forgiveness is at the heart of Christian faith. Forgiveness is an attribute of God and, as his image bearers, ought to be manifested in us. We forgive because God forgives. Forgiveness is not simply pardoning a debt. Forgiveness pursues the restoration of a relationship. Until Jesus returns, we will face the hurtful, the harmful, and the horrific. We will wound and we will be wounded. There will be broken relationships, bruised bodies, and belligerent words. We will never not need to forgive. We must learn to respond to pain and suffering without defaulting to retaliation and revenge. Without forgiveness, we cannot heal. Before we can restore a broken relationship, before we can become emotionally healthy, before we can feel whole again, we must forgive. Forgiveness is the first step toward healing.

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