
In the Wilderness

October 1, 2023 • Andrew Cullen • Matthew 4:1–4, Matthew 7:7–8

The wilderness is a place of paradox. It is a place of desolation, and yet, we experience growth in the wilderness. It is a place of uncertainty, and yet, we learn to see that we can trust God. It is a place of need, and yet, we shall not want even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. We do not expect to find God in the wilderness, and yet, He is there. When we are in need, there is a gap we want filled. We pray because we want to close the gap. Fasting from food does not close the gap. Fasting widens the gap. It literally creates more needs. It probably will make us more irritable. It probably will make us more impatient. Why widen the gap by fasting when we are trying to close the gap by prayer? Because prayer and fasting are not about closing the gap. Prayer and fasting are about waiting in the gap. Prayer and fasting start with need and end in relationship.