December 31, 2023 • Pastor Peter Damaska • Luke 2:41–52
Seeking Jesus is an incredible gift from God. Along the way, it means dealing with questions and frustrations. It could even mean we will overlook Him from time to time. That’s not surprising knowing our own shortcomings. But what if it is Jesus who is being elusive? What then? Will we be motived to seek and find Him even when it is difficult?
A Savior Has Been Born
December 24, 2023 • Pastor Tim Veenstra • Luke 4:18–19, Luke 19:10, Luke 2:1–20
A first-century pagan named Epictetus once wrote, “While the emperor may give peace from war on land and sea, he is unable to give peace from passion, grief, and envy; he cannot give peace of heart, for which man yearns for more than even outward peace.” Today, we all are still searching for that peace. Who is able to offer mankind the peace that they are seeking?
Discovering How God is at Work
December 17, 2023 • Pastor Peter Damaska • Luke 2:21–40
Two simultaneously stunning aspects are true of God. First, He is involved in our lives. How sweet that is! Second, we don’t automatically see His involvement. Ugh! However, as we continue seeking Jesus, we discover how God is at work. Through the snapshot of two individuals in the Scriptures, we see how God is at work in, through, and for us.
Compelled or Repelled
December 10, 2023 • Pastor Tim Veenstra • Matthew 2:1–18, 2 Corinthians 5:14–15, Philippians 3:18–21
More than two thousand years ago, a baby was born in Bethlehem, and nothing has been the same since. Regardless of what you personally believe, no person has ever come close to the kind of impact that Jesus of Nazareth has had on our world. Jesus forces every single one of us to make a decision. Will you be compelled or repelled by him?
We Find Meaning in the Middle
December 3, 2023 • Pastor Peter Damaska • Luke 1:1–25
Do you ever feel like the middle has no meaning? The middle of the road trip, the middle of the line, the middle child, the middle of my education/career/life… The middle can leave us wondering, "What’s the point of all this?" The story of Zechariah and Elizabeth helps us know what to do and what to expect as we continue seeking Jesus, even in the middle.