
God, Make Us One!

May 5, 2019 • Pastor Tim Veenstra

In the Upper Room, Jesus is preparing his disciples for life after His death and resurrection when suddenly, He breaks into prayer. Jesus welcomes us today into this divine, intimate conversation He has with the Father. Not only are we invited into the conversation, but Jesus prays specifically for the future Church (us). His plea to the Father? Complete unity.

More from After Easter

The Let Down Effect

April 28, 2019 • Pastor Derry Prenkert

Jesus gives some instruction to His disciples and prays for them in John 14-17, which is often referred to as the Farewell Discourse. He is preparing them for what life will look like after He is resurrected and ascended. What if those of us who have trusted Christ as Savior were to look at this section of Scripture and consider how it is reflecting our current faith journey?