
Peter Reinstated

February 3, 2019 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht, Pastor Tim Veenstra

How do you come back from failure? How can you move forward after direct disobedience to God? Peter’s Here to There journey no longer looks the same. Peter denied knowing Jesus three times after he boldly proclaimed that he would never abandon Jesus. How do you come back from that? Will God use the unfaithful to fulfill His plans? John 21 gives us insight into how God restores His disciple, Peter, and how we, too, may be restored in our Here to There journey.

More from Here to There

Never Finished—Letting God Drill Down Deeper into Your Soul

February 24, 2019 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

History is loaded with pivotal moments. For Americans, it’s the American Revolution and the Civil War. In the world, it’s the invention of Gutenburg’s printing press. These are moments that forever changed the course of history. In Peter’s life, there’s a pivotal moment that’s often overlooked. His moment described in Acts 10 impacts every believer’s life. It’s the moment that opened the door for most of us to become followers of Christ. That pivotal moment is loaded with great lessons for us.

Peter and the Day of Pentecost

February 17, 2019 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

Before and after pictures are amazing! Oftentimes, it’s hard to believe it’s the same person. Over time, people change. More than physical changes, when the Holy Spirit fills a person, there are radical spiritual and behavioral changes. The man called Peter in the Gospels is transformed into a fearless warrior in the book of Acts. What God did for Peter, He can do for you!

Peter's Denial

January 27, 2019 • Pastor Derry Prenkert

It is the low point in Peter’s Here to There journey. Jesus told Peter it was going to happen. Peter told Jesus there was no way it would happen. As we examine this low point where Peter denies Christ three times, there is challenge and guidance we can apply to our own Here to There journey.