
The God of the Covenant

September 8, 2019 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

Do you ever feel like you keep making the same mistakes? Are there negative behaviors that you just can’t shake? Are there negative default behaviors that drag you down? It’s possible to live beyond the downward spiral of hope, failure, and repentance...doing failure over and over again. Understanding and applying truth, especially from the Old Testament, can lead us to victory. We can conquer the negative destructive behavioral cycle through Jesus.

Here We Go Again...and Again...and Again!

November 24, 2019 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

We were not designed to live repeating the same sins over and over again. God never intended for us to make promises to Him that we can’t keep. The Israelites practiced the same failures repetitively. Not only did they do it in the Old Testament, that pattern often becomes the norm for us. But there’s a better way to live. The power of Christ not only forgives us our sins but gives us the power to live victoriously over the repetitive cycle of sin. “If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed!” –John 8:36

God is Not Safe, But He is Good

November 17, 2019 • Pastor Tim Veenstra

Moses has been called by God to Egypt, but his mission is not an easy one. After Pharaoh resists the hand of God nine times, the wrath of God is about to be unleashed. The wrath of God is not commonly talked about, and in many cases, it is a forgotten part of His character. May the Church and the world never lose sight of the fact that God is not safe; He is an all-consuming fire.

The Burning Bush

October 27, 2019 • Pastor Tim Veenstra

The nation of Israel has grown in population since the time of Joseph, and so has the fear of the Egyptians. In response, the Israelites are thrown into slavery to control a potential uprising. A lot of time passes, and it seems as though God has forgotten his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. However, God has heard the cries, remembers the covenant, and is preparing Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. Moses must now answer the call.