
The Spirit Unleashed

April 22, 2018 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

When the Spirit of God fills the spirit of a person, incredible things happen. When we move from getting our power from our flesh to being baptized with His power through His Spirit, amazing things take place. God wants to pour out the Holy Spirit everywhere on everyone. And when the Holy Spirit is unleashed on us, we are unleashed for incredible impact on our world.

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Grace Used Versus Grace Abused

May 27, 2018 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

How can two things so alike be so different? How can twins, raised in the same environment by the same parents, end up so different? How can any two people who have the same background and opportunities end up as polar opposites? The answer lies in how we respond to the grace of God. When grace is used, the outcome is amazing. When grace is abused, the ending is sad. It’s the story of two men, Barnabas and Ananias, that teaches us a valuable lesson.

The Power of Prayer

May 20, 2018 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

When you spend lots of time with someone, you begin to think like them, act like them, and talk like them. Those opposing the early church knew that the disciples had spent time with Jesus. They thought, acted, talked, and prayed like Jesus. So does your prayer life look anything like Jesus’ prayer life? If prayer is the thermometer of our spiritual life, what’s your temperature?

The "It" Factor

May 13, 2018 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

When Jim Collins wrote the best-selling business book, From Good to Great, he expounded upon research that showed how average businesses moved to sustainable greatness. Everyone was interested in discovering the "how to" of moving from good to great. What are the factors? What can we do to move to the next level? Discovering the IT factor became an obsession. So just what is the IT factor? What is IT that makes a difference?