
The God Who Sees - August 2023

Our theme for this month comes from Hagar, the only person in the Bible to give God a name. Hagar thinks she is alone in the desert, but God comes to her, comforts her, and promises a future for her and her child. Hagar calls God El Roi, meaning, the-God-who-sees. Hagar was seen and heard by God in her struggles, even though she was not an Israelite.

Each sermon this month will focus on the God who sees - He sees each of us individually, He sees His church, His people, and all of humanity - no matter where we are, how far we are from Him, in the good and bad days; He is ever near.

•God sees you

•God sees your heart

•God sees your struggle

•God sees your future

•God sees His own

In Hebrew, El Roi can also mean the-God-who-is-seen-by-me; not only did God see Hagar, but God allowed Hagar to perceive Him. Let us continually teach and encourage a sense of awe in our members regarding this truth: God cares about you individually. He is with you and He is for you. Draw close to Him; see Him.