
Righteous Living - September 2023

Our theme for September is based off the word - righteousness. What does it mean? The dictionary defines righteousness as acting in accord with divine law; free from guilt and sin; morally right or justified. God is righteous and exercises justice. The question of the justification of sinful man before God is answered in CNAC - Sinful mankind does not automatically gain justification before God. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, God has shown His commitment to mankind: He does not condemn human beings, but rather seeks to grant them salvation.

Human beings are called to make a serious effort to accept and receive God’s gift of salvation. For this purpose, God has endowed humans with conscience, reason, and faith. If human beings align these gifts to Jesus Christ, the justification attained by the Son of God (Romans 4:25) becomes accessible to them by grace.

Let us also prepare ourselves for the coming of the Chief Apostle at the end of the month when he will visit Buffalo, NY, and pray that it is a bountiful outpouring of God’s word and blessing.