
The Path With Christ - March 2024

The month of March leads our preaching through Lent and the holy days of Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter. Lent is a time of reflection and repentance that allows us to intentionally know Jesus in a new way; we walk with Him on the path that led Him to His death, and ultimately His victory on Easter.

Each sermon leads us further on the path with Christ:

•A prayer of confidence in God's mercy,

•A reflection on the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53,

•An invitation to the realities of Christ's table,

•A perspective of His kingdom through the events of Palm Sunday,

•A journey to the foot of the cross on Good Friday, and

•A celebration of His resurrection on Easter Sunday.

To walk and preach this journey takes focus and intention. This is our proclamation for this month - resolved to know nothing... except Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2).