
Proclamations of the Resurrection - April 2024

Lent gave us the opportunity to prepare our hearts for Holy Week, to walk the path to the cross with Christ. April leads us into the joyous season of Eastertide - the longest liturgical celebration in the Christian calendar. It also gives us the time to truly celebrate the Risen One; an event as astounding as the resurrection could not be contained in just one day.

Christ's victory over sin and death, prompt our April sermon theme: Proclamations of the Resurrection - truths that we will unearth as we, along with the disciples, encounter the Risen Christ:

•April Midweek: I live with Christ! - now and in the future

•April 7th: The tomb is empty! - the women's testimony

•April 14th: I believe! - Thomas' move from doubt to faith

•April 21st: Enlightened in wisdom, Rooted in love - a prayer for the church

•April 28th: He is perfect! - the people recognize their Messiah

From our Meditations of Lent resource: He who this day rose from the clods of earth, we expect one day from the clouds of heaven: to raise our bodies, to perform His promises, to finish our faith, to perfect our glory and to draw us unto Himself. Let us celebrate the Risen Christ!