

Change Your Direction

Part 7 - Industria

May 17, 2015 • David Sulcer

Industry is about making and constructing things. It works to make our world a better place, and strives to enhance the goodness of our community. Through work it labors, sweats, dreams, and purposes to change the environment to make life more full, free, and fruitful.

Part 6 - Benevolentia

May 10, 2015 • Pastor Herb Reisig

Neighborliness rejoices with those who rejoice and weeps with those who weep. However, envy weeps AT those who rejoice, and rejoices AT those who weep. Envy refuses, at it’s core, family, neighbor, fellowship, friendship by enacting a falsehood of alienation instead of the truth of solidarity.

Part 5 - Patientia

May 3, 2015 • David Sulcer

A healthy understanding of both anger and patience must begin with a true understanding of the brokenness of the world. God's slowness to unleash His justified rage is a perfect expression of the restraint of patience. It is the basis for our living out patience. Whether we're stuck in traffic, dealing with a whiny kid, or faced with an incredible injustice, we must be slow to let our anger kindle into rage.

Part 4 - Castitas

April 26, 2015 • Pastor Herb Reisig

When we talk about purity, most of the time we think about sexual situations. It’s not merely about our actions, it’s about our thoughts, our motives, and the heart behind it. Purity is a constant journey of moving in the right direction.

Part 3 - Temperantia

April 19, 2015 • Pastor Herb Reisig

The “flesh” inside of us wants to be dominant, and its chief way of doing so in creating a sense of drivenness within side us. This drivenness creates compulsive behaviors to turn a want into a need, and in doing this it turns what you seek into an idol that begins to call the shots in your life.

Part 2 - Caritas

April 12, 2015 • David Sulcer

For though we can give without loving, it is almost impossible to love without giving. We want to repurpose the old world “charity” that is often seen exclusively today as “throwing money at poverty” or giving money to charitable institutions and see it in its broader, biblical setting.

Part 1 - Humilitas

April 5, 2015 • David Sulcer

Join us on a journey through this series called "Navigate: Change Your Direction." We will explore the seven heavenly virtues. This first week, on Easter Sunday, we explore Christ-like humility.