
Day 1: The Image of God

January 27, 2020

Currently, at my home, the internet is junk. I am not being dramatic, it rarely works as it is supposed to. I know what you’re thinking — why don’t you just call the internet company to fix it? Been there, done that, made no difference. Part of what is so frustrating about having bad internet is that a simple Google search leads to a brief moment of rage. There is nothing worse than when web pages only partially load. Anyone ever experienced this? You're trying to watch a YouTube video at work and the page keeps loading in such a way that you can’t see everything that is meant to be on the page. In other words, the site is only partially visible. For many of us, this is the same problem we have with God. Writer A.W. Tozer once said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” As we move through life, our image of God becomes skewed. It becomes determined by our parents and teachers and bosses and pastors and small group leaders and everyone in between. When this happens, so many of us find ourselves only partially understanding who God is. God is not a cosmic kill-joy, or a judge waiting to announce a verdict, or a disappointed parent, or an unfulfilled boss. If you want to know who God really is, look at Jesus. He is the perfect picture of who God is. He is loving and caring, brave and courageous, merciful and just.

John 14:4-14

Father, bless me with the awareness to recognize how I truly see you. Where my image of you is flawed, work to transform my mind. Renew my thoughts and allow me to see you as you really are.