
What is Baptism?

The Meaning and the Why of Baptism

December 4, 2019 • Pastor Chris McGregor

APP Giving

November 24, 2019

Wondering how you can give a one-time gift, or setup an automated gift to God through City Church? Watch this 54 second tutorial to help you through this safe and easy process to give your first and your best to the work of God in Montreal and beyond! You will be setup in 2-3 minutes and won't have to get setup again.

Pre-Authorized Debit Form to Fill Out

The advantage of the PAD is that it automates your most important decision when it comes to your finances...putting God FIRST! Aside from you having the power to choose the day of the month, the amount, and other information, it also is the MOST efficient giving methods since it only charges pennies per transaction, versus 2-3% of other giving platforms. Please fill out this form, and print or copy a VOIDED cheque (from your bank online or your branch) and e-mail it to the address below. We will happily get it setup quickly. For any other giving questions, or to get info about sending your form via Canada Post, kindly email http://giving@citychurch.ca


October 13, 2019 • Yanci Yarbrough + Creative Team

What are you grateful for as we celebrate Thanksgiving weekend? Are you able to find small things to be grateful for--even when circumstances are far from ideal? Listen as Yanci and our City Creative Team performs Song of Ascent and talks about how these lyrics have shaped this team for the past year.