
Movements Intensive (El Paso)

Thurs 6pm-9pm / Fri 6pm-9pm / Sat 9AM-6PM

June 6, 6:00pm - June 8, 2024 9:00pm

The Movements Intensive will equip you with Biblical principles and best practices to multiply healthy disciples, simple churches, and leaders that can multiply until there's no place left. We will experience a hands-on training including guided Bible discovery, instruction from current practitioners, and practice simple ways to get started. You will leave with a clear vision and plan for reaching a community, segment, city, or beyond.

Thursday 6PM-9PM

Friday 6PM-9PM [Optional Friday day-time harvest and cross-pollination times]

Saturday 9AM-6PM

Accommodations: Each participant traveling from out of town will be responsible for your own accommodations. If you are interested in getting an Airbnb with others, contact Chris (clynch2414@gmail.com) before April 23.


Please complete these assignments before the first day of the training. Bring your notes and learnings with you. A committed effort to do the work is expected from all participants.

1. 6+ personal Gospel shares during May - June 2023.

2. Read 2 times each & note your observations: Luke 8-10 and all of Acts

3 . Relationship Map: List everyone that you know by name with whom you have not personally spoken the Gospel.

4 . Write down the answer to the following questions:

- What is your target (How would you describe the people that you are burdened to reach with the Gospel)?

- What is the target population size (how many people does this target include)?

- What percent of your target do not personally know Jesus as king?

- How many churches would be needed if 10% of your target came to faith in Jesus?