
Happy Anniversary, Mt. Hebron. What’s Next? - Kevin Bullard

March 17, 2024 • Kevin Bullard • 3 John 1–12, Lamentations 5:21

Join Kevin Bullard as he delivers a powerful message to the members of Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church, celebrating its 66th anniversary. Drawing inspiration from John 3 and building on the recent sermon on gossip (watch Tell Me Something Good), Kevin leads a thought-provoking inquiry with three crucial questions:

1. What's possible for Mount Hebron?

2. What's your contribution to Mount Hebron?

3. Who do you consider to be or have been a role model among current or former members?

These questions, rooted in scripture, shed light on overcoming obstacles that hinder ministry and fostering a spirit of contribution. Whether you're a part of Mount Hebron or not, this message will inspire you to reflect on your role in the community and emulate the examples of those who do good.

Don't miss out on this enlightening message! Tune in and sign-up for the Going Deeper devotions at http://goingdeeper.site

#MountHebron #MHBCn #PastorKevinBullard #GoingDeeper #Ministry #Contribution #Gossip

Gossiping Christians - Kevin Bullard

March 10, 2024 • Kevin Bullard • 2 Corinthians 12:20, 1 Timothy 5:13, Proverbs 11:13, Proverbs 26:20–22, Psalm 41:5–9

📖 In this enlightening first sermon of a two-part series, Pastor Kevin Bullard dive into the complexities of gossip within the Christian community. With "Tell Me Something Good," we embark on a journey through the scriptures to uncover the truth about gossip, its implications, and how we can navigate away from this destructive path towards a more loving and respectful manner of communication. 🔍 In This Sermon, You Will Discover: - The definition and implications of gossip, as viewed through a Christian lens. - Insightful scriptural references** from Proverbs, Psalms, Corinthians, and Timothy, revealing the spiritual and communal harm caused by gossip. - A guide to discern gossip and the importance of privacy, verification, and consent in our conversations. - Practical steps and guidance for avoiding gossip, fostering a culture of trust and integrity within our community. 🙏 Join Kevin Bullard as we reflect on our communication habits, the power of our words, and the significance of building a community rooted in love and respect for one another. This series promises to challenge your perceptions, inspire change, and guide you towards more meaningful and uplifting interactions. 📌 Reflection and Application: 👉 Stay tuned for Part 2 of this compelling series as we continue to explore the power of our words and the impact they have on our relationships and community. 👉 Go to http://goingdeeper.site to subscribe to the daily devotions Kevin sends. The devotions are directly related to the sermon for further exploration. #MHBC #MountHebron #KevinBullard #ChristianSermons #Gossip #BiblicalTeaching #CommunityBuilding #SpeakLife