
Week 2 - Devotional 2

Luke 2:1-20
Let’s Go:
When we read today, watch how the shepherds in the field respond. They are terrified. When God shows up or speaks it can be scary. God may ask us to do big things, or small things. Yet, imagine if the shepherds had just sat in the field. In a couple years they may have talked about a weird time where something odd happened. Instead, they get to praise God and tell others of an incredible story where they met baby Jesus. When God asks you to move, or invites you into building his kingdom, what do you do? This may not be moving to the mission field, but could easily be to move across the room to say hi to someone who looks lonely. Not as intimidating as angels and traveling miles to a manger, but challenging in its own way. If we watch the shepherds our response should be “Let’s Go.” Today, pray about where God may be calling you to go.