
Week 9 - Devotional 1

For His Glory: Luke 6:12-26
Luke 6:20 • “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God”

Today’s scriptures are hard. It is easy to learn from Jesus taking time away to pray about his disciples. I pray you take some time away today to pray. However, sayings like 6:24 “woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort” are tough. You may say I am a student. Matt, I do not have that much. True. Fair. Yet, we are also Americans and have access more resources than we often realize. Or a verse like “woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry” (Luke 6:25). Did you eat today? I did and I often forget about the people who haven’t gotten to eat. This isn’t simply a call to make you feel guilty about your life, or that you raided your families fridge. This isn’t a condemnation of anyone eating or who has money. It is a call to pray and think creatively about how you will use your resources to glorify Jesus as king. The early church had rich members; often the church met in their houses. You may not have a house or endless resources, but you do have some. So what about you? Can you pack snack bags with verses to give to people you see begging on the streets? Can you run a neighborhood can drive to give to the Mount Vernon pantry or Moments of Hope? Can you adopt a student from another nation to provide them with an education? Can you spend time connecting with people because right now people feel lonely? The list can be endless and as creative and original as each of you are. So, as you take that time away to pray today, pray about how you can give your resources to God and he can use them for His glory.