Dear Holy Ones of the Most High!
The Elders of Mosaic have surveyed the fellowship of the struggles and challenges they experience. In time, our Sunday speakers will address these struggles to provide biblical, grace-based, Jesus-focused reminders and insight on what facing these struggles can look like! Remember, we have a God who has faced the same struggles we face each day. Jesus is 100% God, but He is also 100% human. This means that He faced the same human struggles we face. He knows our struggles. He knows what you are feeling.
This week, we will look at “I’m Struggling with BEING CONTENT!” The challenge for contentment is not new. It may be exacerbated with the elevated materialism, hedonism, and humanism that we see all around us, but it is not new. Remember, there’s nothing new under the sun! The struggle of contentment is rooted in the lie that you don’t have enough: you don’t have enough money, enough acceptance, enough love, enough support, enough respect, enough __________. It leaves us feeling empty, unfulfilled, and searching ever more for that significance that will finally put us to ease so we can finally rest.
What is the truth? We’ll survey Paul’s letter to the Philippians and really zero in on Chapter 4 where Paul talks about the “SECRET” to contentment. Paul learned this “SECRET” and he didn’t keep it secret. He actually shouts the secret that’s not a secret anymore—at least it shouldn’t be a secret anymore. Unfortunately, modern religion has veiled this secret resulting in a weak, anemic, and fledgling group of Christians that are still searching for what they think will make them content with the One who is contentment personified living in them but unknown to them.
Are you tired of searching for more and more and more and feeling less and less and less? Maybe it’s time for change. Maybe it’s time to learn the “SECRET!”
Hope to see you Sunday!
Walt Davis