Dear Holy Ones of the Most High!
This Sunday, we're going to wrap up this top 10 list with the #1 thing I wish everyone, especially Christians, knew about Christianity, and it has to do with GOD's Will! Specifically, what is God's will for your life?
Who of us has not wrestled with what God's will for our life is? Maybe it was when you were younger and you were trying to figure out what college to attend. Should I go to state school? To the Christian school? To the community college? No college? Trade school? GOD, WHAT IS YOUR WILL FOR MY LIFE?
Maybe it was when you were looking for a job! Should I go into this field? Should I work for that company? Should I try to go self-employed? GOD, WHAT IS YOUR WILL FOR MY LIFE?
Maybe it was which car or house to buy! Should I get a gas friendly car? Should I get a minivan? Should I get a customer friendly car? Should we buy the red house or the blue house? Should we live in this town and commute or be closer to work and live in the city? GOD, WHAT IS YOUR WILL FOR MY LIFE?
Should I go to this church, to that church? Should we have more kids… less kids? GOD, WHAT IS YOUR WILL FOR MY LIFE?
There are a million and one potential choices to make in life, and we truly desire to know what God's will for our lives is, don't we? What if we pick something that isn't His will? What if we pick the blue house, but His will is the red house? Are we now living outside of His will until we move?
I truly hope you join us this Sunday at Mosaic as we dive into this all too important question and discover the #1 thing I wish everyone, especially Christians, knew about Christianity—God's will for you is to be ONE with Him!
I hope to see you Sunday!
Walt Davis