
In Boston as it is in Heaven: Week 1

Matthew 6:9-13

August 27, 2017 • Ivey Rhodes • Matthew 6:9–13

Many of us our captivated by stories of kings, queens and kingdoms. Stories of just rulers returning to their thrones are rooted in the eternal cosmic story of the Gospel. Our new series, "In Boston as it is in Heaven," looks at Christ's royal return to set things right. While a story like Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings may capture your imagination, you can only observe. But in the story of King Jesus, you get to participate. Yeah, it's awesome.

In Boston as it is in Heaven: Week 2

September 3, 2017 • Ivey Rhodes

We've all experienced the stress of keeping really good news. It's so hard because good news is contagious. When we hear it we want to spread it. Last week we went through a cliffs notes version of the biblical story. We talked about how King Jesus is the focus of the whole cosmic story: Genesis to Revelation. This week is about your role in the story. We all have a part in the greatest story of all time. How well are you taking on your role?