
Romans 9-11

August 14, 2016 • Romans 9—11

Sick of the election yet? Cheer up, there's only than 3 months left of it (!).

Today, we'll be talking about a more encouraging kind of election. This one isn't about Hillary and Donald (thankfully). We'll be diving deep into some of the most profound but also historically confusing chapters in all of the Bible. Most churches never even crack open the book of Romans, not to mention Romans 9-11. So, you, Mosaic, are in luck!

We'll be wrestling with questions like: what is unconditional election? Does God really predestine people to salvation, even before they are born? How is that fair? Isn't this flagrant favoritism and injustice? What about everyone else? Doesn't God love everyone equally? Are we just robots then? Do our decisions matter? If God does elect people to salvation, then why do we need to share the Gospel? Why put so much work into evangelism?

Once we grasp the meaning of election and its connection to evangelism, we too will cry out with St. Paul, "Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!

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