
Previous Discussions

Listen to previous discussions at Mosaic Bellingham

Reconciliation through corporate repentance

July 12, 2020 • Matt Atkins

My ultimate hope is that we would allow God to shape our hearts in such a way that we take an honest look at what we are treasuring related to the inequalities in our country and get intentional about doing something about them. I also believe that Jesus’ prayer in John 17, actually reflects the heart of God for all of mankind. I believe that unity amidst diversity is a reflection of who God is, which is why Jesus wants humans to experience it and therefore prays for it. John 17:20-21 20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

Liberty Justice for ALL?

July 19, 2020 • Matt Atkins

Those of us who grew up in church, grew up hearing what the Bible says through the words of a parent, Sunday school teacher. Small group leader, pastor or whatever. Whether they or we, wanted it or not, we got a “slant” on the Bible and depending on our denominational or group emphasis, that slant could have either been helpful or hurtful in our own faith journey.

Am I my brothers keeper?

July 26, 2020 • Matt Atkins

When you look at the beautiful poetic opening of the Bible, you see a picture of the world that God intended. A garden where God walks with all of creation in the cool of the day, animals come to be named, vegetation, fish, birds and animals produce the food that is necessary, humans are living in harmony with each other free from shame or violence or competition.

The way things ought to be

August 2, 2020 • Matt Atkins

Last week I suggested that we miss the shalom calling of God when we fail to recognize that God’s question to Cain in the book of Genesis, “Cain, where is your brother Abel?”, is a question that God continues to ask of us, in our day. Like Cain, so many reply, “I don’t know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” But, I think the incarnation of Jesus, as God becomes our human brother, shouts a different response. It is like God, in Jesus, re-asks and then re-answers the same question. As if God turned to God and said, “Are we our brother’s keeper?” Then, in answer, God said, “Yes we are. We will go show our brother’s and sister’s what that truly means.”

God is faithful and is calling us home

August 9, 2020 • Aaron Walters

Rev. Aaron Walters of The Table, reminds us that as exiles we need to be aware of the empires desire to reshape our thinking.

A Time to Dance

August 16, 2020 • Matt Atkins

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven....

Planted and Flourishing

August 30, 2020 • Matt Atkins

It's funny what I remember and don't remember from my childhood. One of the things that I remember is one of my first passages that I committed to memory; Ps. 1. On my 59th birthday, it's one of the things I reflect on and pray for, for all of you.

Micah 6:8a

January 31, 2021 • Aaron Walters

God instructs us through the words of Micah to weave together a braid of justice, mercy and humility.

Love Mercy

February 7, 2021 • Matt Atkins

This morning I want to follow on from where Aaron took us last week as he pedaled by the protest camp in front of city hall. Of course the camp has now moved to the ball fields below Civic, but that too is slated for removal. Like he mentioned, the whole subject of how we respond to the actual crisis of homelessness is very difficult and complex, with no easy answers and effective solutions hard to find. So, like Aaron, I find I’m easily overwhelmed and other than to pray, unsure of what to do.

The Wilderness of Pain

February 28, 2021 • Matt Atkins

Rather than following the cultural norms of Lenten practices like giving up coffee or chocolate, I suggest that we look back at the past year, when all of us, and most every nation on the earth, found themselves drawn into the wilderness of a pandemic. At some level, we have all experienced some type of loss.

Letting Go of Holding On

March 7, 2021 • Matt Atkins

You have all heard me use this word a lot over the years, but one of the major themes in my life for at least the past 25 years has been relinquishment. That is a nice word for “letting things go”, and if there is anything that Lent is about, it’s about letting things go.

Wonderful Chaos

March 28, 2021 • Matt Atkins

I realize that most, if not all of you, do not spend your week thinking about how this pandemic has impacted and will impact the church around the world. It’s not like we haven’t had other things to think about. But, stop for just a minute and think about the impact on the Church around the world, especially those that only have priests do things like, administer communion.


November 15, 2020 • Matt Atkins

As we saw last week, being betrayed is pretty common. Most of us have experienced betrayal in one form or another. Sometimes, it is overt like someone breaking our trust or talking about us or lying to us. Other times, it is comes in the form of someone just ditching us, with no explanation why. Both are difficult and hurt like crazy. For most of us, the tendency is to go through a grief process that includes lots of anger, denial, bargaining, self questioning and even depression. Though the book of Job never comes right out and says that Job’s friends betray him, this is what I see in his response. I see a man that has been betrayed by those that he thought had come around to help him process his loss and pain.

Jesus' Why

January 17, 2021 • Matt Atkins

It’s important to remember that the writers of the gospels assembled the life and teaching of Jesus in various ways. Some were more chronological than others, but all of them viewed the value of chronology different than we tend to. The emphasis was, as the pithy hallmark saying states, less on moments in time and more on timeless moments. As I have said many times, it was like looking back on the life of someone very dear to you and thinking less about the actual dates and times and more about the incredible times you shared together and what stuck out to you about their life.

Overpowering Love

December 20, 2020 • Aaron Walters

"I say it every year, but if there is one thing missing from Advent, it's math!"