
You DO Enough - Pt 1

March 12, 2023

When God first really got hold of my life, I was 18. It didn’t happen instantaneously, but there were significant events that were part of the process. During those months as God was wooing me, there was one book that had been given to me by my grandparents a couple of years earlier that I went back to. It was by AW Tozer and called The Knowledge of The Holy. I don’t know why they gave it to me earlier in life because when I tried to read it, I couldn’t even get past the first page without getting lost. The book is about the attributes of God and is still one of my favorites. 

Does all God is, do, all God does?

More from ENOUGH

You HAVE Enough - Pt 2

April 2, 2023

When Jesus talks about "the kingdom of heaven", many people only think about the afterlife. But Jesus wasn't really talking about what comes after we die, he was talking about what life is like where God is king. Not only in heaven, but when God is king in our lives right now!

You HAVE Enough - Pt 1

March 26, 2023

In 1981 Harvard Business School published a book about negotiations, entitled Getting to Yes! The authors say that people have 4 fundamental interests that inform the way they act and interact.  They are: Security (feeling safe/secure) Belonging (being a part a group and loved) Recognition (being appreciated) And autonomy (feeling freedom in our actions) The authors say that all human actions are really about fulfilling these goals.

You DO Enough - Pt 2

March 19, 2023

How can it be that we “do enough” when there’s always more to be done and all evidence points to the contrary? How can I, in good conscience, believe that I am doing enough– ever?