
Our Rhythm of Listening

October 2, 2022

When Mosaic was first a dream of a few people who were tired of the way we had been doing church, we envisioned something that was less chaotic and more ordered. Less programmed and more organic. Less Sunday and more daily. Less in a building and more in our community. This is why we organized around 5 rhythms; Beautify, Listen, Eat, Study, Send (BLESS). These five things were meant to organize our lives Monday - Saturday, not just Sunday.

Each rhythm is meant to reflect part of how we believe the community of Christ (the Church) should reflect the kingdom of God. In other words, we believe that if God is king of our lives, then our lives, individually and collectively, should at least attempt to reflect what we know about who God, the king is. And we believe this is most accurately seen by looking at the life and teaching of Jesus because it was him who said, “I and the Father are one” and “if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.” So, ultimately, if we want to know what God is like, we look at Jesus to find out.

Our Rhythm of Study - Read the WORD

November 6, 2022

Growing up, there was one big reason why any church was to be preferred over another. They had to preach the Bible. Can I get an amen? Above everything else, the pinnacle of all things Christian, was this idea of preaching the word, and the way the word was to be preached was expository teaching. It couldn’t come out of a lectionary. It couldn’t be selected passages related to the church calendar. It couldn’t be topical. It had to verse by verse study of the Bible.

Our Rhythm of Study

October 30, 2022

When Mosaic was first started, we adopted five rhythms; Beautify, Listen, Eat, Study, & Sent. If you really think about these five "ways of life" you will see that they form the process of being and becoming a disciple of Jesus. As a result, our study is not random, it is focused. Focused on becoming more like the one we follow, ie. Jesus.

Our Rhythm of Eating Part 2

October 23, 2022

A number of years ago now, we took some time to discuss the things in Jesus’ life that were good news to those around him. We called it “The Lost Gospel” because it represents the things that were good news then, but are often not talked about now. One of those things seems to have been his willingness to welcome people into his life. Whether it was the children or the outcast, Jesus made room for all of them in his life and particularly demonstrates this during meal times.