All who live by grace must be committed to extend it to the world. God's plan to make the world a better place is by his people living out the gospel on a daily basis.
Civil War
August 6, 2023 • Jerry Dusenberry • Galatians 5
The Galatian churches were racked by civil war, not least of all over the very issue of law vs. grace. Personal attacks on each other were making the church look like a shark den. This is the result of the person who rejects the life of freedom found only by faith in Christ. Loving and serving others is the fruit of our faith. Paul's goal in Galatians 5 is to help Christians lean into the Spirit by leaving their old ways behind. If we do this -everyone wins, if we don't everyone suffers.
A New Era
July 30, 2023 • Jordan Ziegenbein • Galatians 3—4
The law had a purpose -to guard us until the time of the promise would be fulfilled in Christ. When Christ came and died -it birthed a new era of freedom for all who were once under the law, but can now live free as a part of God's family -heirs with Christ. Now we are free from the law (no guardian needed) and are right with God, but not by human effort, but by faith in the promise.
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Freedom Fighters
July 23, 2023 • Jordan Ziegenbein • Galatians 2
Grace is worth fighting for. Paul confronts Peter due to his erroneous actions in acting like the gentile Christians were less than Jewish Christians. By selling out, he was sending the wrong message about how the gospel works and why we need it daily. He wasn’t being a model of what it means to live out our freedom in Christ. In contrast, Paul says who he was died with Christ, freeing him to now life for Christ.
Accept No Substitutes
July 16, 2023 • Jerry Dusenberry • Galatians 1
When we are at risk of losing something that really matters to us we can react in a bold and aggressive manner? What if it is the most important thing in the entire universe? Paul would say the most important thing ever is the gospel of Jesus Christ. He reacts boldly to counter the very real threat of some who were trying to add to the gospel. When we add to the gospel we take away from power it can have in our lives to transform us into the image of Jesus. The gospel is Jesus and never Jesus +.