September 10, 2023 • Jerry Dusenberry • Genesis 22:11–12, Luke 14:25–26
If our love for Christ is supreme, it means the our love for all others comes in a distant second place. Nobody can serve two masters. However, we often don't consider how even people we love the most can come before our devotion to God.
Line in the Sand
September 3, 2023 • Jerry Dusenberry • 1 Corinthians 10:13, Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 4:1–11
Temptations are real but we are often our own worst enemy. All the devil does is insert an idea and try to pull us off track. We make it too easy letting our guard down, allowing a rival thought to take us down. It doesn’t have to be that way. Jesus was successful because he knew we wouldn’t be all the time.
No Comparison
August 27, 2023 • Jerry Dusenberry • Joshua 24:15, 1 Chronicles 29:10–12, Exodus 34:14
Rivals can't co-exist in our hearts. One will win over the other. God is jealous—He wants us all to himself. But not just for Him. It’s all for us because He knows and wants what is best for us.
First Place
August 20, 2023 • Jerry Dusenberry • Exodus 20, 1 John 2:12–17
When God gave his people the 10 commandments, it was never about the rules, but to avoid threats to our relationship with him. Rivals will always be a threat to our relationship with God. What do we need to focus on to keep God where he belongs in our hearts.