June 23, 2024 • Jerry Dusenberry • Romans 15, John 17:22–23
True strength comes from serving others. As Christians, we aren't called to serve just ourselves, we're called to help others grow in their Christian faith.
A Better Way
June 16, 2024 • Jerry Dusenberry • Romans 14
There’s always going to be differences in the church. This is what makes the body of Christ beautiful. But our differences on nonessential issues should never become standard. What are others experiencing as a result of how I live out my faith and freedom in Christ? The only standard is Jesus, and he led with love. Love is present when people matter more than our preferences.
Take the High Road
June 9, 2024 • Jerry Dusenberry • Romans 13
Our world is increasingly divisive, polarizing, and even violent. It could be tempting for all the issues to dictate how we live in this world, and how we respond to those in authority. More and more people respond in ways that are not helpful. It seems like we have to choose a side. How can we live responsibly so we are not a part of the problem? God's righteousness in us should lead us to respect those in authority, even those who don't share our faith.
Live Love
June 2, 2024 • Jerry Dusenberry • Romans 12
Believers are no better than other people, only forgiven. As people who have been transformed by the saving grace of God, we should live to be a transforming presence in the world. We do this by bringing his grace and mercy into every relationship, starting with our fellow believers. If it's not real in the church, it will never be real to the world.