
The Vision - Part 2

November 7, 2021 • David Chadwick • Nehemiah, Proverbs 29:18

The vision casting for MOHC has begun! Last weekend, we began casting our vision for the next five years. Where God is leading us. What He wants us to emphasize.

The book of Nehemiah is guiding us in this vision pursuit. This great leader had a vision of rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem and gave ten practical principles for making it happen. These same principles will guide us as we move toward God's vision for MOHC.

This weekend, we will not only cover the general vision and Nehemiah's ten principles, but also look more specifically at the global implications of our vision. Jesus's church is commanded to take the gospel into all the world (Acts 1:8). We will address the specific places throughout the world that MOHC will emphasize over the next five years. They will be places that have deep human hurt yet have never heard the good news of Jesus's forgiving love (Matt. 24:14).