
At Your Service

January 28, 2018 • Eric Frey

1. What is one way that someone’s service to you memorably communicated their love?
2. Think about the secular idea of “random acts of kindness.” In what ways is it a good example of acts of service, and in what ways can it be improved?
3. In what way do you demand that others serve you instead of you serving them?
4. What would inspire you to look for more ways to serve others in love?
5. What does it do to your soul to know that Jesus served you?

The Real Deal

February 11, 2018 • Eric Frey

1. What fuels our need for love? Why is it an ongoing need? 2. How does the person closest to you communicate they are not feeling loved by you? 3. As we communicate with those closest to us, what is the key to our being effective communicators of love? 4. Are you aware of your own desires to act out in self-serving ways in your relationships? If so, how do you control those urges? 5. If you have been wounded by being wrongly loved, know there is healing in the real love of God in Jesus, and from other safe people.

Love Gets Tactile

February 4, 2018 • Matt Janosov

Love is intimate, not distant; Love is self-sacrificing, not self-serving; and Love is lavish, not exiguous.

The Gift of Love

January 21, 2018 • Eric Frey

We are to give all of ourselves— our finances, our relationships, our marriages, our children, our insecurities, everything we are, we are to lay it down cheerfully and joyfully with a ready heart at the feet of Jesus. We love because He first loved us.