February 25, 2024 • Pastor Mike Maiolo • Proverbs 21:5, Proverbs 22:7, Proverbs 3:9, Psalm 116:16–17
Jesus broke the religious mold when He said, “Where a person’s heart is (where his money is), that’s where the heart will be also.” In John 12, Jesus is invited to the home of Mary and Martha, and something extravagant happens through the generosity of one woman (Mary). What can we learn from her?
February 18, 2024 • Pastor Mike Maiolo • Philippians 4:10–13
What is it about contentment that often brings tension? There will always be someone who is “er” - richer, prettier, skinnier, or smarter. Jesus’ teaching confronts the lie that happiness is found by chasing after money and material possessions. It is simply not true. God tells us the secret of learning contentment.
Financial Peace
February 11, 2024 • Pastor Mike Maiolo • Genesis 41:1–40
What is the best decision you have made with your money, and what is the worst decision you have made about money? What does God say about saving, giving, and spending? Having the right perspective about money and living in obedience to God’s word will bring financial freedom.
February 4, 2024 • Pastor Mike Maiolo • Luke 16:1–18
What does God say about money? Why do we need it? What does God say about what to do with the money we have? Jesus talked a lot about money and possessions. In fact, 16 of his 38 parables were on the topic of money and how to manage it. God’s word can be a help to us in this area if we will allow Him to teach us.