
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Righteousness

Luke 6:21

July 12, 2020 • Dr. Anthony Wood

We've been told to pursue happiness and everyone wants to be happy. The Declaration of Independence promotes my pursuit of happiness. Netflix offers hundreds of "Feel-Good" movies so I can watch happiness. Psychologists suggest a hike, meditation, and coffee will build my happiness. Elsa told us all to ignore everyone else and claim our happiness. Joel Osteen promises me a destiny of happiness. Pharell Williams even gave me a song about happiness. The obvious question: If everyone's looking to find happiness, why isn't anyone happy? My newsfeed, government, boss, family, and neighbors aren't very happy at all. On Sunday we'll see that Jesus NEVER said to 'pursue' happiness. In fact, in order to be happy He commands we pursue something entirely different! Join us for "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of __________."