
Sorrow Unto Salvation

Luke 6:21b

August 2, 2020 • Dr. Anthony Wood

The world works overtime to keep us from thinking deeply about sin. Jumping from amusement to amusement -- we rush to play, watch shows to sleep, then rise to work, jamming food and travel wherever possible -- in order to quench the deep questions that gnaw at our insides e.g. Why am I not happy? Why am I so irritable? So jealous? So lustful? Many modern churches even jump in to help our discontent, promoting the next big drama production, Disney song, and on-stage comedian. Sadly, we are amusing ourselves to spiritual death. But, there is an answer. The answer lies in a cryptic statement by Jesus who said, "Happy are those who weep..." Yes, true joy begins with a period of true sorrow.

This Sunday we'll discuss the next vital step to true and lasting happiness.