
Five Steps to God's Glory

Foundations #2

March 29, 2020 • Dr. Anthony Wood

The next Foundations study on Five Steps to God's Glory with Pastor Tony Wood.

Called Out and Set Apart

June 7, 2020 • Dr. Anthony Wood

Pastor Tony explains how our nation is mired in pain and rebellion this week. Sadly, the heartache of injustice and ethical enmity is new but has been part of the human story since Cain killed his brother. Historians estimate that over the past 3400 years of human history, there have been only 268 years without large scale global violence, meaning only 8% of chronological humanity can claim a period of relative peace. Yet, in the midst of such chaos, Christ promised a solution, a group of people who would be reconciled to God, and to others. A group who would know, and emulate, truest peace and justice regardless of circumstances. Today, in his sermon titled ‘Called Out and Set Apart’ Pastor Tony continues his study on the ‘Foundations of the Christian Faith’ by examining the church and what it means to be called out and set apart.

Saved from Start to Finish

May 31, 2020 • Dr. Anthony Wood

This past Wednesday another famed "Christian" singer posted his open denial of God and Christianity on Instagram. Immediately comments piled up and news agencies wrote op-ed pieces -- How could this happen? Did his parents push too hard? Surely it's just a 'backslide.' etc. -- typical theological mishmash by cultural Christians with lots of opinions and no Scriptural support. The reason we see so many "falling away" and so much confusion when they do, is because we do not understand what salvation actually is. Who initiates it? Who applies it? Who maintains it? Thus, on Sunday we'll examine God's Word on salvation and learn how God saves people start to finish WITHOUT exception. Today, in his sermon titled ‘Saved From Start to Finish’ Pastor Tony continues his study on the ‘Foundations of the Christian Faith’ by examining the accomplishment and consummation of salvation.

Seven Acts of Holy Spirit Power

May 24, 2020 • Dr. Anthony Wood

Very few Christians feel victorious in this life. Rather, most believers feel a sense of defeat in their day-to-day trials and temptations. A large reason for spiritual fatigue is a misunderstanding of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit's role in a believer's life. Who is the Holy Spirit? What does He do? How do I know if He's working? Answering these questions, and more can provide us a new vitality in moving away from sin and toward God's glory. Today, in his sermon titled ‘Seven Acts of Holy Spirit Power’ Pastor Tony continues his study on the ‘Foundations of the Christian Faith’ by examining the Holy Spirit’s person, position, and power.