
Features of a Pharisee

Luke 6:39-45

August 30, 2020 • Dr. Anthony Wood

History is riddled with groups that used the name of Christ to brandish forms of spiritual elitism, religious ritual, and personal hypocrisy. The papal system of Rome, and its hold on nearly 1-billion people, is proof enough of just how powerful these "work-based" religions, along with their culture of judgment and personal retribution, can be. Of course this was true back when Jesus ministered as well. Scribes and Pharisees concocted intensely rigorous systems that bound people under law and kept them from experiencing grace. Into this context, Jesus delivers his famed Sermon on the Mount and literally "calls out" these Pharisees. He points out the death in their system. He assaults their hypocrisy. And, in so doing, He allows EVERY listener (and reader) to determine if he or she is a disciple of Christ or Pharisee themselves. This Sunday, Jesus will put us all through a vital heart evaluation.