
The Divine Gift of Abundant Life

John 10:7-18

December 24, 2023 • Edgardo Rosa • John 10:7–18

Four questions that we could ask about life:

1. Why Do We Need Life?

2. How Does He Give Us Life?

3. What Is Abundant Life?

4. How Do We Receive Life?

Why are do we gather and we sing songs about a person and an event from over 2,000 years ago? We are gather because, we believe and trust that long ago the eternal Son of God was born of a virgin, lived at perfect life, laid down that perfect life, took up that perfect life at the resurrection, and is now in heaven lively reigning at the side of the eternal Father.

Why did he do this? He did it so that you and me could have an abundant, great, and exceedingly superfluous life now and in the age to come. The birth of Jesus reminds us that to long for an abundant life is not wrong; that to long for an exceedingly good life is not wrong.

But, the problem is that we have seek it in all of the wrong places. We seek protection and care in our money and power; we seek intimacy and companionship in worldly and lustful relationships; and we seek peace and unity through compromise or segregation. However, we gather on Christmas Eve to remind ourselves that the greatest gift exchange that has ever and will ever happen is that Jesus laid down his life so that we could have life. We gather because Christ abandoned his life so that we would have abundant life.