
Easter 2019

Palm Sunday

April 14, 2019 • Andrew Adams

Holy Week 2019 is ON! And what a fantastic start it was: palms, the cross, worship, a special kids message from Andrew; it was truly a special service. Andrew talked about how on Palm Sunday, Christians declare passionately that the King has come, and salvation is at hand! That truth is so apparent to us during Holy Week. But it's so hard to keep that truth in the front of our minds the rest of the year. Andrew encourages us to think and pray this week and beyond about how we can make Christ not just the king of creation, but the king of our lives. May we cease to think of it as our life but rather His. Not our will, but His. On earth as it is in heaven.

Easter Sunday

April 21, 2019 • Randy Sims

He is risen! We were in the mood to celebrate Easter Sunday, so we had some special "extras." Jesus may have died and conquered death one time for our sins 2,000 years ago, but He is actively working in all of our lives today. He is still bringing people out of their darkness into His light, redeeming them, saving them. We celebrate our personal deaths and resurrections with Jesus'.