
Embody: Hospitality

March 3, 2019 • Randy Sims

Randy Sims continues our Embody series with the gift (and commandment) of hospitality. Randy talks about how hospitality is different from having our friends over for dinner. Hospitality is loving a stranger. A stranger is any and every sense of the word: someone we just met/don't know and/or someone who is unlike us. Is there any greater challenge?

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Embody: Evangelism

April 7, 2019 • Carl Moore

Carl Moore finishes our Embody series on spiritual gifts with the gift of evangelism. Evangelism is defined as sharing good news. As humans, we do that naturally. The gospels are riddled with stories of Jesus doing miraculous things to and for people, telling them to tell no one, and they simply can't help it. Carl encourages all of us to share our stories, for God is in all of them.

Embody: Healing

March 31, 2019 • Austin Agnew

Austin Agnew continues our Embody series on spiritual gifts talking about miracles, healing and speaking in tongues. These gifts are unique in the way they all involve God’s intervention over the natural order of physical things, which is probably why we are usually uncomfortable with them. Austin tries to shed some light on the gifts, in hopes that we could maybe better understand and embrace these special gifts.

Embody: Patience

March 24, 2019 • Tim Dunn

Tim Dunn opens this week's sermon on patience with a skit! Tim talks about how we listen to and deal with emotions, and about what our patience, or lack there of, says about ourselves.