
Oct 21-Dont Let Life's Interuption stop your faith

Lesson: “Don’t Let Life’s Interruption Stop Your Faith” Scripture: Mark 5:21-43-key Passage Mark 5:35-43
Lesson Goal: To better understand what a great Savior-Jesus.

Introduction: We ended last weeks lesson by asking the question, “What do you think she was thinking as she fell at the feet of Jesus?” She, being the woman that reached out to Jesus in absolute desperation. For twelve desperate anxious years she had lived in absolute agony. She had lived with a disease that had sucked the very life out of her. Emotionally she was a wreck, mentally she was worn out, physically she was exhaust- ed, and financially she was depleted, and religiously she was deemed unclean. Her only hope was found in Jesus. Again I ask the question, “What do you think she was thinking as she fell at the feet of Jesus?”