
Living God's kindness part 2

August 16, 2015 • Pastor Eric Wing, Pastor Scott Palmiter

When we are being made new, Godly kindness becomes part of who we are

More from Being New

Taking a complaining fast

September 27, 2015 • Pastor Eric Wing, Pastor Scott Palmiter

Complaining is anytime we tell our own story with no intention of bringing praise to God

Taking A Gossip Fast

September 20, 2015 • Pastor Eric Wing, Pastor Scott Palmiter

Gossip is anytime we tell someone else's story with no intention of loving them.

Speak encouragement part 1

September 6, 2015 • Pastor Eric Wing, Pastor Scott Palmiter

Believers who are being made New are being transformed to speak encouragement. Ephesians 4:29 Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.