
Knowing God

January 15, 2023 • Rev. Arthur Connor Jr.

Intimacy is part two of Pastor Arthur Connor Jr's "Knowing God" sermon series. Preached on January 15, 2023, Pastor Connor's Intimacy with God sermon series is an inspirational and life-changing opportunity that holds nothing back as it dives into the depths of God's love and how one can discover an intimate and ever-deepening relationship with God through prayer and the study of His Word. With John 14:1-23 being the scripture used, you know that Pastor Connor has much to share on our journey toward a closer walk with God.

Intimacy with God will open up your heart and soul to spiritual enrichment and the chance to tap into a higher understanding of God's infinite love for us all, through the power of prayer. You will learn to develop a relationship with God, where you can speak directly to Him, allowing you to receive His blessings, grace, and mercy. Each day, you will be able to find comfort in the presence of your loving heavenly Father as you take your journey to a stronger, more profound spiritual connection.

Find out what true intimacy with God looks like, as Pastor Connor reveals how closer walks with God can bring about restoration and healing, improving your everyday attitudes and actions. Discover God's plan for you, as you deepen your faith each day and truly understand God's purpose for your life.

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